Site icon Marketing Over Coffee Marketing Podcast

The 23rd Annual Marketing Over Coffee Marketing Awards

In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :
About the Latest Shows, Social Media, and Soda Stunts. All this and more…

Show length 24:21

Listen now: [audio:]

Brought to you by Blue Sky Factory and MarketingProfs

00:52 Conference Wrap Up, Twitter is really Ham Radio, Prison Management Software (PMS)

04:40 Things to keep in mind if you are on a panel at an event

05:49 The Four Building Blocks of Social Media

10:20 Obama Ad Spend – Infomercial

11:40 Dr. Pepper GnR Event. Iis it a good idea to limit your distribution channel, do you have to have a digital release?

18:19 Chris’ rant on inconsiderate travellers who hold up their fellow road warriors makes the WSJ

21:20 John will be at Dreamforce (but no Journey?). Come grab a drink with me: Tues. Nov.4 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm Restaurant Azie,
826 Folsom Street – about a block from Moscone Center

22:30 The 23rd Annual Marketing Over Coffee Awards – send in categories and nominees via comments

Sign up for this Podcast in iTunes (and don’t be afraid to give us a review) also add the Gigadial Channel for more Podcasts

Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.

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