In this Marketing Over Coffee learn :

About Motrin, Holiday Gear, and Copywriting Bad News. All this and more…

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Show length 23:53

Brought to you by Blue Sky Factory and MarketingProfs

00:31 It’s a late night episode, the Motrin fiasco starts us off

04:40 Jennifer at gives us love on J. Owyang’s blog and at her upcoming event (LERN – Learning Resources Network)

05:23 Gear Review: Star Wars Lightsaber Duels for Wii (marginal reviews), WOW Expansion and using it as an Economic Model, John scores a PSP (and is selling his Nintendo DS Lite) and has a Kindle in house – check out KindleFeeder which breaks your licence agreement. GPS still hot but there will be no more Dash. Chris is looking at the Nikon D90 and getting iPod Touch Apps, also TweetDeck as best in class.

12:10 Direct Mail continues as catalogs roll in for the holidays, in email John goes on an Unsubscribe Rampage

14:28 Chip from Media Bullseye reports in on Obama’s campaign managing data beyond the election, Fireside chat on YouTube (I can’t find it?)

16:20 Chris calls Nov. 30 Hedge Fund deadline as possible financial powderkeg (note: we are not financial planners)

17:40 Avoiding the “Everything’s Fine” email, and copywriting around it. Innovate now.

20:58 Send in your Nominations for the 23rd Annual Marketing Over Coffee Awards, check out Nantucket at Christmas

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Our theme song is called Mellow G by Fonkmasters from the Podsafe Music Network.

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